For the Class of 2026: You will have two quarters of campus service during your junior year, with one of those quarters being with the Cafeteria or Grounds for most of you. You will be expected to complete two hours of campus service per week during your 'on' quarters. You will have campus service during all four quarters of your senior year and the weekly expectation slightly increases, to three hours per week.

Quarters for the 2024-2025 School Year

Q1: Tuesday  8/13 - Sunday 10/13
Q2: Monday 10/14 - Friday 12/13
Q3: Monday  2/3 - Sunday 3/30
Q4: Monday 3/31 - Wednesday 5/21

As part of NCSSM’s graduation requirements, each student is required to earn a Satisfactory grade in Campus Service during both years. 

While students may be interested in working with more than one supervisor or department, students cannot have more than one campus service assignment at a time.  This guideline is in place to safeguard students' weekly schedule, to protect students from being overextended, and to help key campus areas have the reliable campus service support they need.

The Campus Service Coordinator is readily available to help both supervisors and students.  Please address any questions, suggestions, or concerns to the Campus Service Coordinator: Justin Plummer,


Students should report for campus service at the scheduled times and should be on time.  Except in cases of emergency, students should notify their supervisors 24 hours in advance if they know they will be missing campus service.  In case of illness, students should inform their supervisor before the regular campus service time if possible and visit the clinic. If the clinic  excuses the student for the day or part of the day that includes campus service, the student will not need to make up those missed hours. Students may not be required to make up campus service time missed due to family emergencies or other circumstances, after discussing the issue with their supervisor or the campus service coordinator.

Absences due to participation in athletic events, or other co-curricular activities such as field trips or academic travel, are not excused absences.  In such cases, the student should get approval from their supervisor ahead of time and make up all missed hours.  Students with unexcused absences in campus service must make up the missed time at the convenience of their supervisor.

If a student is three or more hours behind, the campus service supervisor will inform the campus service coordinator. The student will be given the opportunity to make up the missing hours. The campus service coordinator will inform the student’s family, their Community Coordinator, their Counselor, and the Center for Advising and Academic Success.

Extended Weekends, J-Term, Exam Week, and Altered Schedules


Campus service supervisors should address attendance and behavior issues on a weekly basis. If a student is behind three or more hours at any point in the quarter, the supervisor should inform the campus service coordinator immediately. The student will be given the opportunity to make up the missing hours. The campus service coordinator will inform the student’s support team. A student’s completed or missed campus service hours do not carry over from one quarter to the next. If a supervisor does not notify the campus service coordinator of attendance or performance issues in a timely manner, the student may not be required to complete the totality of their missing hours. Please communicate issues promptly. 

Campus service supervisors submit their grades for students at the end of each quarter.  Students are graded on performance and attendance and they will receive an evaluation with an “S” (satisfactory) or “U” (unsatisfactory). Any performance issues with a student should be addressed with the student and shared with the campus service coordinator as promptly as possible. Missing hours cannot be carried over from quarter to quarter, e.g., a student that is five hours behind cannot receive a Satisfactory grade with the promise that they will make up those hours next quarter.

Students who receive an Unsatisfactory grade for campus service will be automatically dismissed from NCSSM. They must appeal to be reinstated to the Vice Chancellor for Student Life. If that appeal is granted, students must complete their missing hours in their original assignment, stay current in their new assignment and attend Supervised Study or Restricted Study. Seniors who do not successfully complete Campus Service requirements will not graduate from NCSSM.

STUDENTS' frequently asked QUESTIONS

What if I get sick and miss campus service? 

If you are excused by the clinic for the day or part of the day that includes your campus service time, then you are excused from campus service and do not need to make up that time. Send your supervisor a courtesy email to let them know that you are sick.

What if I have a game/competition that interferes with campus service? 

You are still required to complete your hours. Communicate ahead of time with your supervisor. If games regularly interfere with your campus service, talk to your supervisor about rescheduling your campus service.

What if my class's field trip interrupts my campus service time? 

Let your supervisor know in advance so you can reschedule your hours.

What if I'm away from campus for J-Term?

Contact your supervisor in advance to complete your hours before you leave or to make alternate arrangements for completing your campus service hours. Juniors will not be assigned to campus service during J-Term.

What if it's an altered schedule day/week and my campus service schedule doesn't work then? What if it's an extended weekend?

Reschedule your hours with your supervisor ahead of the altered schedule day/week. You will still need to complete your required hours for that week. Students scheduled to do campus service during any part of an extended weekend do not have to make up that time. Scheduled campus service ends at 1:30 PM on the day an extended weekend begins and starts again at 7:00 AM on the first full day after the extended weekend.

What if it's Exam Week?

You still need to complete your hours. Talk to your supervisor about when you will do your campus service, since the exam schedule might not work with your regular campus service schedule. It's also possible that your supervisor won't have any tasks for you during that week and your campus service hours will be excused.

What if I fall behind?

Once you fall three or more hours behind in campus service, your supervisor will contact the campus service coordinator who will email you, your family, and your support team. You still have time and the opportunity to make up that missed time with your supervisor, but you may also have to complete additional campus service hours with the campus service coordinator. You may become ineligible to participate in athletics/academic competitions until you are caught up. 

What if I fail campus service for the year? 

Since Campus Service is a graduation requirement, receiving an Unsatisfactory grade will result in automatic dismissal from NCSSM. You can appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Student Life to be reinstated. If your appeal is granted, you must complete the missing hours. Staying on top of your weekly hours of campus service is the easiest way to avoid that Unsatisfactory grade.

What if I still have questions about campus service?

Talk to your supervisor, your support team, or the campus service coordinator. We're all happy to help you figure this out and to make sure campus service is a productive experience for you.