tips for supervisors

For the Class of 2026: You will have two quarters of campus service during your junior year, with one of those quarters being with the Cafeteria or Grounds for most of you. You will be expected to complete two hours of campus service per week during your 'on' quarters. You will have campus service during all four quarters of your senior year and the weekly expectation slightly increases, to three hours per week.

Quarters for the 2024-2025 School Year

Q1: Tuesday  8/13 - Sunday 10/13
Q2: Monday 10/14 - Friday 12/13
Q3: Monday  2/3 - Sunday 3/30
Q4: Monday 3/31 - Wednesday 5/21

The information below is aimed at supervisors, helping them to get a great start to that term's campus service. It's posted here for the sake of transparency and is open to suggestions from anyone on how to make the start-up process better. Email me if you have any comments, ideas, or questions,

Email your campus service students before the start of the term to let them know where you're holding your first campus service meeting. If you want them to bring their laptops, schedules, or anything else specific for this meeting, please remind them to do so! 

Topics to cover in your first meeting:

You should figure out what system works best for you. For SAB campus service, I would fill in the time missed each week and then email students when they had any hours missing. The "HOURS MISSING" column made it easy to see which students needed to be contacted; it was just a sum of all of the columns to the right and I used Conditional Formatting on that column to highlight any tallies higher than zero in red. 

When you contact the campus service coordinator about a student who is three or more hours behind in campus service, they'll email the student, their family, and their support team. Here's an example of the tracking sheet I use to document missing hours that supervisors have sent me, as well as when the student and their support team was notified. [The email columns are intentionally blank here and you can disregard some of the outdated language here, i.e., "SLI" instead of "CC" and "WS" for Work Service instead of "CS" for Campus Service.]